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Current Guidelines


Thursday 31 Dec 2020


Message for both managers and parents:

 Firstly, may I take the opportunity to hope you have all had a safe and joyful Christmas. I am sure for some of you younger Managers and Parents it would still be noisy, so I won’t say peaceful, that’s just for us oldies.!!
Let’s hope that the New Year brings us lots more to look forward too and getting back to a more normal way of life. As part of a committee that has had to, and still will have to make difficult decisions with regard to playing football or training we have been discussing how we see the way forward for the next few weeks at least.

We are aware that Primary Schools will be going back and not secondary, as of Monday next week. Also to include children of key workers and the more vulnerable. There will be people debating this all across the country. We are also aware that at the moment the SPL have cancelled games due to be played this weekend. We are awaiting another announcement. Also the ACYL (the league the Youth team play in) have suspended the League until the 18th January 2021 at least. In line with all of this we have decided as a Committee that we will not return to training until at least the weekend of the 9th January, this is a tentative date dependant on what the Government Guidelines are.

With this in mind we must state that this is mandatory for all age groups. If you wish personally to take your child out to have a kickabout that is your responsibility but small or large organised training groups will not be allowed.
Please note that we are always made aware of groups training at other venues.
We were also aware that a child/children that should have still been self isolating were at training before Christmas. We all need to be responsible, so as a Committee we are making the first move to keep everyone as safe as possible. We do not wish to take disciplinary action but will consider this if we feel necessary. As managers it is your responsibility also to take into consideration the welfare of all the players in your care. A couple of weeks could save the season for us.

I am aware that people will bring up the mental health side of the argument here. I am fully aware of the issues that this can raise, not only short term but for the long term too. However, on this occasion I do believe that we need to hold back for another week or so. We ask that you bear with us and we will keep you updated as we hear further news or indeed make changes to our decisions.

Nikki Simmonds Secretary and Welfare Officer on behalf of GCBGFC Committee

For more information, please click our club page below:
Guildford City - Current Guidelines





Tuesday 01 Dec 2020





Grassroots football can return from Wednesday 2 December, but the level varies from Tiers 1 to 3

We have today issued updated guidance for ‘non-elite’ football in England following confirmation from the UK Government that organised sports can return from Wednesday 2 December.

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport [DCMS] has this evening issued updated guidelines on the return to recreational team sport which permits the return of ‘non-elite’ football in England from Wednesday 2 December, and includes all fixtures and training for:-


• Steps 3-6 of the National League System [NLS];

• Tiers 3-6 of the Women’s Football Pyramid [WFP];

• Regional NLS Feeder Leagues;

• Barclays FA WSL Academy League;

• FA Girls Regional Talent Clubs;

• Outdoor youth and adult grassroots football.


Organised outdoor football activity is permitted at these levels across all three tiers from Wednesday 2 December but it is extremely important that clubs, players, coaches, match officials, league officials, volunteers, parents, carers, and facility providers continue to strictly follow both the UK Government's latest guidance on COVID-19 and respective bespoke guidance documents from The FA.

Organised indoor football and Futsal is permitted in Tier 1 areas if the rule of six is followed and in Tier 2 areas if the rule of six is followed and it is possible for people to avoid mixing with others that they do not live or share a support bubble with. Indoor football is not permitted in Tier 3 areas.

In all three tiers there are exceptions for indoor disability football, sport for educational purposes and supervised sport and physical activity for U18s, which can take place with larger groups mixing.

Training for teams in Tier 3 must have minimal contact.


Adults can travel to play grassroots football in between Tier 1 and Tier 2. However, adults cannot travel in and out of Tier 3 to play grassroots football. There are exemptions for travel in and out of Tier 3 for U18s, disability teams, volunteers, elite players and for those travelling for work.

Players and essential club staff at steps 3-6 of the NLS, tiers 3-6 of the Women’s Football Pyramid, the Barclays FA WSL Academy and Regional Talent Clubs can travel into and out of tier 3 areas.


Clubs at Steps 3-6 of the NLS and Tiers 3-6 of the WFP remain permitted to accommodate a phased and limited return of spectators in Tier 1 and 2 areas if they follow the UK Governments’ latest guidance on COVID-19 and The FA’s guidelines for the NLS or WFP. There are no spectators permitted in Tier 3, as set out in Government guidance.

Regional NLS Feeder Leagues, Tier 7 of the WFP and outdoor grassroots football also remain permitted to accommodate socially-distanced spectators but must follow the rule of six and Government guidance on restrictions in certain tiers.


Clubhouses can operate in Tier 1 but must do so by table service (ordered and consumed at the table) only and observing the rule of six. In Tier 2, Clubhouses must close unless they operate as if they were a restaurant. This means serving substantial meals, like a main lunchtime or evening meal. They may only serve alcohol as part of such a meal and all food and drink to be ordered and consumed at the table. Tables can only be same household and takeaway must be eaten or drunk off the club premises. Under UK Government guidelines, bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants in Tier 3 areas must be closed except to sell by takeaway or click-and-collect.

All clubs are required to have a designated COVID-19 officer; complete and publish bespoke risk assessments and action plans; and continue to support Test and Trace efforts.

The 2020-21 FA Youth Cup will continue to be played under the relevant ‘elite’ club protocol and the Buildbase FA Trophy and Buildbase FA Vase are set to resume in December, along with the Vitality Women’s FA Cup.

We implore everyone to strictly follow the UK Government’s national COVID-19 restrictions. Any incidents of non-compliance will be reported to the local County Football Association.

We would like to thank the football community once again for its hard work, resilience and understanding during such an incredibly challenging period for both the game and wider society.

Source - The FA






Edited on the 5th November:

We can provide an update for ‘non-elite’ football in England following the UK Government’s announcement on new national COVID-19 restrictions that will be in place from Thursday 5 November 2020 until Wednesday 2 December 2020.
As a result of the UK Government’s new national COVID-19 restrictions, and the publication of bespoke guidance from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport [DCMS], the impact on ‘non elite’ football in England will include the suspension of the following during this period:

• All fixtures and training for Steps 3-6 of the National League System [NLS];
• All fixtures and training for Tiers 3-7 of the Women’s Football Pyramid [WFP];
• All fixtures and training for the Regional NLS Feeder Leagues;
• All fixtures and training for The Barclays FA WSL Academy League;
• All fixtures and training for FA Girls Regional Talent Clubs;
• All fixtures and training for indoor and outdoor youth and adult grassroots football.

Our aim is to ensure that the 2020-21 season is completed at these levels and will liaise with the relevant leagues in the NLS and WFP and the County Football Associations [CFAs] to provide support and establish appropriate options to do so if required.
The UK Government has confirmed that school sport can continue as an exemption during this period.
In addition, the UK Government has confirmed that all Emirates FA Cup First Round fixtures will go ahead as planned this weekend between Friday 6 and Monday 9 November 2020. The ten ‘non-elite’ clubs that remain in the competition will be able to play their fixtures under ‘elite’ protocols. In line with the new national COVID-19 restrictions, these ‘non-elite’ teams are only permitted to train together until Wednesday 4 November 2020.
Further updates on fixtures and dates for the 2020-21 Vitality Women’s FA Cup, FA Youth Cup, Buildbase FA Trophy and Buildbase FA Vase will follow in due course.
Re-starting football at these levels has taken substantial determination and commitment from stakeholders across the game and we would like to thank everyone for their vital contributions. However, health and wellbeing remain the priority, so it is extremely important that clubs, players, coaches, match officials, league officials, volunteers, parents, carers and facility providers adhere to the UK Government’s new national COVID-19 restrictions during this period.
We remain in dialogue with the DCMS, leagues, competitions and CFAs and will provide further clarification for ‘non-elite’ football in England following the debate in the House of Commons tomorrow.

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